
5 Years

Life January 01, 2018
Hello, internet! After several years of non-activity on this blog, I have returned. Or at least I have the intention to. I wish I had an interesting reason why I was incognito for a long time but no, I was NOT stranded on a deserted island, I did not learn how to shoot arrows, and I did not have shady dealings with shady...

The Obligatory Christmas Wishlist Blog Post Of 2013

December 21, 2013
[Elaborate 1-paragraph preamble about wanting impractical and insanely expensive things] Now that that's out of the way, here is my list for this year. ...

The Idiot Box presents: Fall TV 2013, Part 2

The Idiot Box October 14, 2013
So I managed to sample a few more new shows the past couple of weeks. Don't even ask how I did it. I'm not quite sure myself. Here are my thoughts on them. ...

The Idiot Box presents: Fall TV 2013

The Idiot Box September 28, 2013
I haven't been watching as many shows as I used to, primarily because my day job makes it practically impossible to do so. Back when I was doing freelance I followed TWENTY (possibly more), for crying out loud. I've picked up a few new ones, sure, but the ones I dropped over the years far outnumber them. That is why I absolutely have...

The 2013 San Diego Comic Con

Books and Comics July 22, 2013
Back in 2011, I was all "I want to go to the San Diego Comic Con!" Last year, I basically said the same thing. This year, while I still echo the same sentiment from the previous years, I have decided to take the necessary steps to make it a reality. I mean I already got my passport, I have steady monthly income, why not...

Muni.ph's #CutTheCrap event!

Music June 14, 2013
RomCom is going to play at Muni.ph's Cut the Crap event tomorrow night. It's to raise awareness for irresponsible cigarette butt throwing and shit. Route196, and show starts around 9 or 9:30pm. Y'all should come. In other news, our EP is still available. FREE download! It's Tight Like Prom Night! by RomCom Find out more about the event, the performers, and the artists here....

Sketches and Stuff: Art Trade -- Rule 63 Colossus

Books and Comics June 06, 2013
On the rare times that there's free time at work, I try to draw as much as I can. Unfortunately, I don't really do well with random doodles and I think I do better when there's a specific direction or purpose to my sketches. That is why when a co-worker put out an open call for art trades on Facebook, I immediately jumped...

The Lazy Reviewer on: PicksurePicksure's 3-in-1 Clip-On Lens

Me June 02, 2013
I'm a big fan of versatile and do-it-all stuff, mainly because I don't want a to buy things that do only one thing. It's the same reason why I would go for a pair of black leather Chucks instead of the usual leather loafers. Yeah, I know, it's not the same thing and it doesn't work all the time but generally, that's how...

Sketches and Stuff: Iron Man Mark XLII

Books and Comics May 20, 2013
Iron Man 3 is the biggest superhero movie of 2013 so far, and I thought I'd do my own version of the main armor used in the film, the Mark XLII. I had a little bit of trouble drawing this one, mainly because I'm not used to doing armor and the like. Also the reason why I had to take some creative liberties...

Maybe If I Make A New Header...

Blah May 15, 2013
...I'd be more inspired to write stuff in here. Who knows, right? Hello. ...

My 2012 in Pictures

Blah December 31, 2012
I'm sorry for my face. Ideally I would have wanted to write a long entry for my year-end post, but December has just been so exhausting physically and emotionally that I thought it would be better to recap my year with photos from my Instagram feed. I chose the ones that stood out; the ones that were most memorable, good or bad. The...

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