5 Years
January 01, 2018
Hello, internet!
After several years of non-activity on this blog, I have returned. Or at least I have the intention to. I wish I had an interesting reason why I was incognito for a long time but no, I was NOT stranded on a deserted island, I did not learn how to shoot arrows, and I did not have shady dealings with shady characters. Simply put: life happened, much like the few times I've disappeared and reappeared in this space. I won't go into the specifics, but here are the most significant developments that have happened:
- I put up a small shirt business called Sonic Panda and,
- I'm getting married this year!
Anyway. I think part of the reason why I'm back for the nth time is in recent years, I have developed this urge to document everything that's happening to me. In fact, I actually tried to do an... I guess you could call it an e-diary but I noped off after 5 months of recording every little thing I saw/read/heard/etc. At first it was because I was getting jealous of all the year-end lists people were making; the documenting was because I tend to forget shit. Now it's more about... a self-preservation of sorts. I want to be able to remember everything from here on out. One day when I'm old(er), I want to be able to go online, access this blog, and read about the time I went to London, or went skydiving. I want to be able to relive those moments, in my head.
I just hope I don't forget my blog's URL.
Hello, 2018!