Movie Time with BDO Online Treats
September 04, 2012When I was a kid, I told myself that I would never EVER get a credit card. To me, they were unnecessary and quite frankly, extremely dangerous. This belief was strengthened further when I reached my mid 20s. Sure, I always felt a little bit jealous whenever my friends bought rare comics and toys unavailable in local stores from the comfort of their own homes, but I had the internet. Whatever (or more accurately, MOST of the) things they buy, I could *cough* illegally *cough* download off the internet.
The years have passed and now that I am in my 30s, I have seen the error of my ways. I have finally decided to "go legit", so to speak. And if that means getting a small card made of plastic and evil, purchasing things I don't really need and being in debt for the rest of my life, then so be it! Fortunately, BDO Online Treats makes it a little bit bearable by giving us FREE SM Cinema vouchers. Ain't life grand?