

September 20, 2005

i got a pleasant surprise a few days ago. a couple of pants that i haven't been able to wear for months now fit me again! haha. i lost a lot of weight, i think. i guess 2 1/2 weeks of having amoebiasis will do that to you. strangely enough, i think i'm "cured" now, but my appetite hasn't come back. wala pa din akong gana kumain lately.. sometimes i eat 2 times a day, tapos sandwiches lang or bananas. but hey, i'm not complaining. i've been wanting ta lose weight anyways. sabayan ko na lang ng workout. =]

+ + + +

i slept over at jair's place last saturday. he had a spacious, artsy room which reminded me of paolo's room in marikina (we used to sleep over there a lot during college). there were a lot of doodles on the walls and ceiling, posters, and his "artworks" were on display on the shelves. he had a king size bed, and he has alternate lighting for his room na disco ball! haha. we were joking about it being a "sex room". pretty cozy, if i do say so myself. =]

oh, and i bought this jacket from american boulevard. nice no? =]

+ + + +

everyday seems so long, the nights unbearable. i keep thinking about stuff, even though i told myself i wouldn't anymore. jeezus. this "passive" attitude of mine needs some minor tweaking. oh well. one fucking day at a time. one day at a time..

now where have i heard that line before..?

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