
the bellie project

September 21, 2005

bellie read this "creative individual expression" exercise in one of the books miss veron brought back from hongkong. entitled "idea revolution", the said exercise required us to use magazines and writing/coloring material to convey the idea of a specific song. bellie chose "iris" by the googoo dolls. armed with a magazine each, we started ripping page after page of images, taping each piece with scotch tape on a piece of bond paper. here are the results. =]

i decided to use some words for this one, and some markers and crayons. mixed media lunacy for larry. wheeee!

here's bellie's work. she used some rather large strips of images here to create a unified image. nice, nice work. me likey. =]

the exercise was a refreshing alternative to the usual ho-hum activities we do during late afternoons. "jair is jelly, but he shall be invited next time.", intoned bellie, when i asked her what jair thought. haha. that should be fun. i can't wait. =]

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