
grub trip a.k.a. my 1st heaven and eggs experience and HP5.

August 14, 2007

went to trinoma sunday afternoon with my sister to look for the shoes i wanted to buy karen (which, as it turned out, was a size too big for her, but that's a different story. loser.) after walking for hours, we decided to stop and eat before heading home. we dragged our weary legs to the food section oustide the mall and after much debate, kaye and i decided to eat at heaven and eggs. she hasn't gone there in a long time, and i haven't EVER so it was a pretty convenient choice. besides, after the sister told me they served large-ass plates i was sold, glutton that i am.

we sat in one of the empty booths (1) and started rifling through the menu, ignoring the incessant growling of my rabid stomach. i chose the one recommended by the manager and kaye chose some chicken dish, and we talked a bit while waiting for our food. (2 & 3) when our orders came, i suddenly remembered my sister's words. large-ass plates indeed. i think i was already full halfway through our meal. (4) after a while of arguing with myself about the ethical repurcussions of leaving the table to puke in the corner, i found myself staring at the empty space where my fried steak was. i had visions of myself refilling the plate with my stomach's contents. i decided to ask for the bill and pay before that happened.

good thing we decided to walk to SM north to ride an FX home. at least i burned quite a bit of that grub.

+ + + +

finally got to watch HP. me and kaye (who LOVES the whole series so much it's nauseating) saw it when we got home. blurry visuals and barely-audible sounds as only pirated DVD's can bring.

• it was sucky to see the changes they made to the story, and the fast-tracking/omitting of some of the details in the book.

• where's the grandeur? the big scenes? the death of sirius should have meant more.

• i really hate the new dumbledore.

procrastinator rating: 5.5 out of 10 stars

P.S. the walking din't do shit. i was still full when i went to sleep.

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  1. How was the food? Been wanting to have a go at that resto for a while now.

    Anyway, just bloghopping. Cool site.

  2. javi: well, the food isn't really motherfucker-that-was-awesome-i-gotta-eat-another-plate
    good, but it's better than your average resto. also, as i mentioned, they have large servings so if you wanna eat till you burst, then this is the place for you.

  3. javi: and thanks for visiting my site. cheers!


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