
eye candy

October 08, 2005

just some of the movies i'm rarin' to see. from top left, clockwise: the chronicles of narnia, the exorcism of emily rose, flightplan, corpse bride (which i'm watching tonight with some friends. yay!), king kong and harry potter 4: goblet of fire. woo-hoo! bring on the friggin' popcorn! =]

p.s. watched "the 40 year-old virgin" 2 nights ago and it SUCKED, big time. i was so disappointed. boo-hoo. hopefully none of the ones mentioned above will be as worthless.

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  1. an officemate was making kuwento of the move "40-year old virgin" over coffee and pandesal. and he was laughing and found the movie funny. as in. haven't watched the movie yet.

    and yes, i'm also looking forward to the 4th harry potter movie.

  2. well, it was funny naman, but the movie was so loong! they could've done a better job with the writing and editing, in my opinion. it kinda destroyed what otherwise could have been a super funny movie. =]


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