
the big bad black bat

July 01, 2005

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"it's not what's underneath.. it's what i do that defines who i am..."

batman was so fuckin' AWESOME! kaye and i watched it last night, and we both enjoyed it. the reviews, the friend's comments about it were true, and more. it was a pretty accurate depiction of the bat, from his brooding demeanor, to his obsession with crime, to his pain from the murder of his parents. the action sequences were pretty okay, the batmobile was kickass, the villains scary, everything was just perfect. definitely one of my latest faves. =]

after watching kaye and i had hot choco at coffee ex.. we talked about perry and jackie, and my situation with kitty. it was a nice change from my usual inom or bahay routine.. i am so happy that my sister and i are closer now. we made a date to watch war of the worlds next week. =]

p.s. i din't like the way the costume puffed up bale's face. yun lang. =]

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